Q1. How easy or difficult is the GSBX course program? What level of education is expected from me?

Answer: The course is available to people from all countries and backgrounds. Your educational background does not matter, because we have created this course in such a way that both experienced people, and people without any college or university degree can understand and benefit from the really fundamental aspects of business management — and use the lessons and insights for your business/career growth.

You should be able to understand English because the course material is in English. If English is not your main language, we can help you with clarification on any topic that you don’t understand.

The only expectation from you is that you are willing to learn about the current topics in business management in a sincere way — by all reading the material we share with you, and by watching all the videos we share with you. You will also be expected to post/reply with your answers to questions on lessons and case studies on our website.

Q2. How many lessons will be given per week?

Answer: You will have about 5 lessons per week by email. If you can spend about 4-5 hours per week on the course  material, you will be able to learn and benefit very well from this course.

Q3. What is the main learning from the program?

While there are 100+ lessons, there are a few key recurring messages throughout the course, with examples to show you that business/investment success is dependent more on basic analysis of numbers, careful planning, diligent execution, strength of character/willpower, and an understanding of human psychology and business cycles.

Q4. How do I join the GSBX course program?

Answer: It is easy to get started. Please go to the Registration page — and chose the course option that is suitable for you, and pay the course fee using PayPal payment link. Then we will reply to you with a welcome email into the course program. We will set up your login id and password to access the website as a course participant, so that you can post your answers for the questions in the lessons and case studies.

Each course participant will have a unique user id, and a unique course page to post/share the answers for questions related to the lessons and case studies. The aim is to deliver high quaility learning for each course participant, and their unique course page will have specific replies and notes from our side.

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